Writing Randomly

There are so many events happening across the horizon , and looking at them make me feel an urge to write, to write something that starts with anything and ends at anything. something which should touch all such events, something which can be there at the centre of my articles.

Well for a start it's definately politics that come to mind and I must say that Indian politics is changing for good, talking of good I do feel that the fall in GDP growth recently is not good for the current government, this has the potential to undermine the great indian talent which remind me of a recent report by an organisation which claims that most Indians can't code. Code is a passion which I had when I was graduating but post that lost it to the industrial environment which seems to be in constant recession since then. There is a lot in recession because it tries to settle down the dust which was flying during last run of the economy, but now it's seems that world is waiting for its next run which seems long overdue. It seems that this time great advancements in IT will be the primary reason for the run. The research going on in machine learning and artificial intelligence will be the driving force as I write this article on my phone I can feel the wonderness of ML and AI, this allows me to write this article with much less typed words and that's too on a small screen of a phone. Phones are definitely the power push behind this great upsurge it'd combined the easyness of mobility with the great computational power today phones are capable of and this is driving the major innovations and hopeful of changing the way we drive. Probably we won't drive much in future and will rely a lot on driverless cars which will be driven automatically across our self created maze across the cities but wait if am not driving why do I seat in the car, just to see it driving across the narrow lanes with the perfection, would prefer to go in a public transport that will also help to reduce my carbon footprint and contribute towards our great nature and help to let its temperature tickle. Which it seems increasingly difficult in current recession, it's the time that we all realise that first we much find sustainable solutions which will give us the required economic growth which should be benefited to each and every citizen, then only we can have the support of the public for something this great and just following the theory of carrot and stick won't help much as citizens will fight back at the ballot which might change the way we do politics and will result in opposite of our composite efforts.

Even when I am probing my thoughts for this article all that I can think of is just economics, and I doubt how random it would be of talking of economics. On the other hand


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