

Philosophy is the major and most difficult branch of science, also father of all sciences. It is also known as meta physics just to emphasize this fact. It is generally said that philosophical problems are unsolved because if any problem, if solved, is no more philosophical. History of philosophy is very long, not as long as humans. It was Greeks who went farthest in the domain followed by Romans, this is because they have democracy and quite stable government this makes people to think beyond the seeable.  Current philosophy is quite different and generally employed by industries for the higher productivity. However, in the history it was invented to solve many problems, who still hold the center of human development but most think that they are NP hard and irrelevant to answer, however even other problems are hard and quite interesting.


History of humans do have a lot of philosophy involved seeing it one can say that human mind, if made to think beyond seeable, looks the problem similarly and answer them quite identically. Humans do feel the same needs, it is natural, however, they answer it almost identically also this observation. The best examples supporting this fact could be language invention and religion. These words are self explanatory as all the languages are developed to answer the human need of communication and all scripts were developed to answer the human need of preserving words of centuries. There is also an interesting supporting point came out here too, the use of writing material. Development of art and music to express the human feelings to the outside world can also be attributed to the fact that human think the solution of the problem almost similarly. Next, development of religion, this absolutely don’t need any explanation, almost all regions are same, at least basically, all believes in God, Demons and angels. There are innumerous examples present in human history which emphasize the fact that human philosophy being same, I said this because all the civilizations looks for the above things and they developed somewhat similar solutions, they seems different at shore because these problems were solved in different environments and nature do have big impact on human mind.


In the later centuries of last thousand philosophy is no longer remain the solution of any need, it is generally being the job of another branch of science and its job is mainly to answer the question which became important for humankind, thus philosophy left with the thinking process only. Unlike, physical sciences it doesn’t have big mathematical equations and also unlike biology it doesn’t have big background to support the answer. With time people realizes the importance of philosophy and it is developed in the proper science and there are many full time philosopher, who really hold the ability to change the world. Philosophy was developed by individual cultures as it studies the local problems and hence philosophy for the MNCs is important as if they need to be successful in any particular place they have to think as per there’s philosophy and hence there is no universal philosophy possible. Ohh! this sounds contrary to my first statement but I am sorry, this is actually what philosophy is, if you can understand that these to statements can actually coexist then there are chances that you may understand the philosophy of a different culture.


Like other science branches philosophy is also developing at global level this is because to find the common points among different cultures so that MNCs can do business without doing much research in any culture, this of course requires a philosopher to answer how people wished to be approached. But, it is generally seen that many industries ignores the philosophy of their customers and run behind what seems very common in the market, but this is an example of short term thinking. Every cooperation should understand the philosophy of both its employees, to get the work efficiently and its customer to sell the product and able to manufacture some new technology to answer new expectations of people this model is more customer oriented and many industries start feeling its importance as competition in the market getting stiffened day by day.


Philosophy like other branches of science is developed for betterment of world, including other than humans, and also like its daughters, if used wrongly, will lead to destruction. Philosophy is the approach used by the brains which can see beyond seeable and it generally led the directions for its daughters and fully completes the responsibility. The ultimate goal for philosophy should be to combine all the religions under one and to bring all the nations under one flag for peace all around. This will be good for our earth too. The biggest benefit of this will be to humans, as this will make the science move faster than ever and can go beyond what we expects and see. And once again after three centuries, people will think that how could our ancestors manage to live in environment three hundreds year back. I am sure this will happen as “history repeats itself.”


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