There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so


Most of us perceive things around us by putting it in two categories, either good or bad. What if one says that it is a bad habit! Everybody would be shocked, this is because this art of division is so much our part that we don’t even feel that there is nothing like universal good or universal bad. Certain things which are worst for one could be best for someone else and if such a difference is created than this may result in a dislike between the two persons. So for everyone it is important to understand that good or bad division is the perception of the person its not the full person.


Person’s thinking is highly influenced from the environment it put up from and it like to see the things from goggles they put on when they were child. Everybody is very reluctant to change and generally people force things to stay same around them. This could be because humans wants peace and stability around them and they think that change with itself brings uncertainty, thus destroying there’s circle of stability. This makes one to react. This thinking is a part of our subconscious brain and it such a huge one that even the smallest of changes force us to think. Hence we are forced to put changes as either good or bad. Though most of us will definitely put it in later one. This one of the reason why one’s formed perception about something’s goodness is hard to change with time.


Lets take an example, you went for a dinner. At the dinner table your partner orders something you hate. What will be your reaction when you see it? And how will your reaction change when you come to learn that the dish which you hate is one of the favorites for him/her. Now, if under some circumstances you were forced to eat the dish than its very likely that you will feel sick after eating eat. Is this the fault of dish or fault of digestive system? No. Of course none until other person also feels same. However, you feel this because your mind forced you not to eat it and you feeling it only psychologically. This is the power of our mind and influence it can create on us. There may be certain situations when you even decide to discontinue your terms with a person. Its only that what you like some other person may dislike it utterly, remember person’s decision of goodness is combined effort of many things, it may not be individual thinking.


We have been taught since our childhood that we should divide things as good or bad and we even forced with some axioms which have been divided among good or bad and told to divide other things by using these axioms as templates. Like, a child boy is taught that he is a good boy and to stay as a good boy he have to do only what parents told him. But why such a division is important? If one tries to answer this the obvious answer is it helps in picking one thing over other. It helps us to enjoy things differently. It gives us a chance to prove oneself superior and better than other. And moreover it gives us a reason to call our self  “good.”


We all want to be good. Good citizen. Good student. Good person. Good child. Good spouse. Good parent. Good neighbors. Good friend. Good listener. Good speaker. Good reader. Good writer. Expectations raises to Good human. No body wants to stay on another shore of the river. We all need prestige in society which comes only from doing some good things. But good things could also be bad things if just point of view of seeing them would be changed. For example, we all need papers. Papers are required to read books and newspapers. To write notes. There is absolutely no education today without paper, and if a child doing a lot of hard work and using many papers is a good child. On the other side of the problem as demands of paper increases it causes more jungle’s destruction and than we call it a bad act! Didn’t it shows our mental instability, we are not clear what is good and what is bad. This is another example of looking same thing by same person but with different mindsets. This what our thinking can do to our scale of goodness.


To define anything as good or bad we have to have some parameters, one just can’t say that this thing is bad for reasons “I just felt so.” This is because defining something as good or bad may be one’s personal decision but it may affect many other’s point of view for the thing as I have told that there is nothing like good or bad its only our thinking that creates the difference. There are no axioms in the good or bad domain and everything is relative to one’s thinking and nothing is universal.


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